Rantings of a Sane Woman!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

My Classes This Semester

Ok, last night was my first day in my acting 1 class and it was ok, I guess. I took the class to maintain 6 credits because EVERYTHING and I seriously mean everything was closed.

I was hoping for an easy "A", but I've got to conduct a monologue and two scenes, one alone and the other with a classmate. I don't have time to meet up with people to rehearse!! There's these students that are majoring in acting and their getting on my nerves with there, "I've worked with yadda-yadda-yadda!", "I'm working on this movie!", "I've got auditions with yadda-yadda-yadda!" Look, I don't care! Stop interrupting the class so we can hurry up and get the heck out! The teacher said most nights we'll get to leave early and I'm all over that!!

Don't get me wrong I like acting, in HS I co-wrote and play and was in drama three years the fourth year the school cut the funding. Prior to that I was always in drama classes in MS & ES--not to mention Glee Club, a sista love to sing, "Me, me, me, me,meeeeeee!" Looka there, I still got it! Ha! Seriously, I do sing and I still sing at church, weddings, funerals, etc. But do I have time for memorizing a whole monologue that has to be a minimum of 2mins and two scenes one alone and one with someone else!! I'll answer that, no! No, I don't. Shoot my pharmacology class is going to take so much of my time I don't know what to do!

Speaking of
, my teacher is BORING!!! I mean BOOOORINGGGGGGG!
I fell asleep like three times!! I never fall asleep in class--NEVER! Ironically that only when he's talking about pharmacology, other than that he has a great personality and great humor. His class is going to somethin' else! Oh well, I gotta take the course...just keep a sista in prayer!

Anywho, thanks for listening--well, reading the rantings of a sane woman!


  • At 2:39 PM, Blogger Dzeni said…

    I took Pharamacology when I was at Uni :) If you get really stuck, you can ask me. Its not hard. Just a lot of reading.

    Most of our labs went something like this: squirt, squirt, measure, squirt, measure. Draw a graph. Nothing to it :)

  • At 9:23 AM, Blogger Ms. Mika said…

    Thanks, I'll surely keep your offer in mind! So far my experience went something like this: YARN, YARNN, YAAARRRRNNNN! Heee!

    Thanks again, dzeni!


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